frequently asked questions
"But your price sheet said __, why is it more money?"
Because my sheet says X amount of dollars doesn't mean its set in stone. If you want a character done up in full armor, cape and detailed background, yes, I am going to charge more. More detail = more time. I always inform you of the price before any work begins.
"I want to get art done!" *gives details, I give price* "Ok, and how much would that be with one of your characters?"
I can't say how much I LOVE that you guys love my OC's. its like, my dream come true for them to come to life though art and stories you have to tell. I am also flattered you would want to get art with them. However, I CANNOT offer any discounts because I am drawing my characters. It takes the same amount of time (if not more) to draw your character and mine. Please, don't take it personally. My character or yours or someone elses, its still work.
"Well you wont draw my OC with your OC, I'll just hire someone else to do it!"
No. Just no. The only OC i have off limits for any NSFW art is Farra as she represents ME. If you respect me as a person and artist, you will respect Farra. If you would like to get art done of ANY of my OC's, I ask you get my permission first, ESPECIALLY NSFW artwork. Clean artwork is ok; I would love to see the results. If you do this, please, have the artist credit my OC as mine, please. You should also do this in your upload.
"I didn't see the type of content I want in your gallery, so I assumed you don't draw it."
No no no!! Please don't ever think that way!! If you don't see something you're looking for PLEASE ASK!! I am very comfortable talking about any content (in a business type manner, please) and will inform you if I am ok with drawing it. You don't know if you don't ask!
"I messaged you on email/Discord/note etc, but you didn't reply! Are you mad at me??"
I highly doubt I'm mad at you; if I was, you would know it. I keep my Discord on most times I am online so I can keep in touch with clients. I use the "online/away/do not disturb/offline" bubbles ALWAYS and will ALWAYS put up a note as to what I am doing. If I say "I'm here but I'm working" Then I am working on art, so replies may be slow or not at all. PLEASE don't take this personally.
"You're jumping around on your queue! I thought you worked in order??"
Yes, I jump around in my queue, order of commissions is not set in any specific order, however, if I am waiting for approvals on WIP's or there is some kind of delay, yes I will move on to another in my queue so I am not sitting around waiting doing nothing.
"I have this commission I want done, can you do it this today/week?"
I can't always give ETA's because things come up, that is life, however my turnaround time is usually within the month you commission your piece, unless it’s simply a larger project. If you are in need of your piece for a specific date, let me know ahead of time; a rush fee may incur for short notice projects.
"You say you work 7-3:30 but you were late in replying to my note/Discord/Email etc. Where were you??"
Please understand my replies may be delayed. Keep in mind, please, that though I am a full time artist and I work from home, I am also caring for my children, cats and foster kittens. As an artist and mom I have alot to do. BE PATIENT PLEASE. I will reply as soon as I am able. I NEVER ignore notes. If I happen to overlook your note or message, and you don’t hear from me in 24-48 hours, feel free to message again; I may have simply forgotten to respond, I get very busy.
"You blocked me on Discord/FA etc! Unblock me, we are best friends forever!!"
My block list is very short. I like talking to people! When it comes down to harassment, dictating how much YOU will pay for art, begging for free art/gifts, I draw a line. Just because I drew something for you and we talked about the art, doesn't make us BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. When it comes down to you contacting me in every way possible (email, social media, picarto etc), I WILL BLOCK YOU and you will be blacklisted for future commissions. Harassment will not be tolerated. Do not mistake my kindness for BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. There is a difference.
"I'm having a hard time making my payment on time."
This is understandable and I completely understand life and things more important than art comes up. Communication is KEY and if you feel you will miss the due date/time of your payment due, give me a heads up! I am an understanding person, we're all human and things come up. We can work it out. However, lack of communication, ignoring my notes and messages regarding payment will eventually lead to being blacklisted. I have bills to pay and a family to feed and a queue to work on, as well as other waiting clients. I do not have the time to beg you for your payment. You do not wish to pay or you change your mind TELL ME. It will simply save us both the future hassle and frustration.
"I commissioned an artist/I drew for this art for you! Can I have a gift in return?"
I am much obliged and super appreciative of gifts, I can't thank you enough. I am not a huge fan of gift art as I always feel like I owe you in return. Please. Please understand, if you think about getting me a gift for the sole purpose of getting free art from me, DON'T DO IT. I don't have the time to do all kinds of thank you arts. Please. I'd rather no gifts at all, the guilt is too much XD
"I got this art from you but I don't like it."
This is why I send WIP's. Multiple, and keep in contact probably more than most artists. It is important to me that you are happy with the artwork you commissioned from me. It is up to you to tell me what to fix IN THE SKETCH STAGE. If I outline and color the work and you tell me you want so and so changed, it will not be changed or an additional fee may incur due to time it will take to fix the issue you failed to point out earlier in the process. We are past that. If you are unhappy with your work, we can work it out.
“What is considered NSFW(Not safe for work aka 18+ adult content)?"
NSFW content to me is defined as this: Would you show this illustration to small children or grandma? If that answer is no, then it will be considered NSFW.
“It’s so unfair you charge extra for NSFW content when its the same amount of work."
There is a surcharge to NSFW work because it is NOT something I can show on my website, or portfolio to get more work; it is why I am selective on what I will do. Due to the content remaining mostly private in most situations, I charge extra for this service. If I only ever did NSFW content, I’d have no new work to showcase on my site and portfolio!
“You drew this content, can we talk about it? RP(role play)?"
No. I do NOT RP, and I do not want to discuss your private life. I am cool with chatting friendly but that is it. Please keep discussions PG and if I feel I am uncomfortable with a topic of discussion I WILL tell you so. Please be respectful!
I work 9-4 Monday through Friday, do chores around the house, then I make dinner and spend the night with my husband and kids. I don't have much of a social life due to my workload. I am ok with this. I have come to terms to being an artist means being alone, alot. You can say I am married to my work. I love doing art; it is my passion. I take my job seriously due to the fact that I strive to make people happy with what I have been gifted to do. You may see me upload work on weekends. Weekends are my "personal" days off. If I choose to spend them doing art for myself, then I will do so. It is very hard to find the balance I need between job and personal life. I do everything in my power to make sure your wait time is not a long one for your work. If something comes up, I will always inform you.
I guess that's it for now, if you’re still reading, thank you! If you have any questions/comments please feel free to email me!!