NSFW 18+
If discussing adult content makes you uncomfortable, go back home now!
NSFW Content cost is base cost of commission +50%. To get an accurate quote, please contact me with a description of what you’d like. Please include references.
Example: 2 Characters Full render is $160. If you want them engaging in an adult situation, add 50% to that cost (example: $160 + $80 = $240)
If you find this fee or my TOS will/will not draw undesirable, please look elsewhere as I am firm on my beliefs.
My most frequent question is: “What do you consider NSFW?” Would you show this artwork you are asking for to a young child or your grandma? If your answer is NO, then it is considered NSFW.
The basis of me charging an additional fee for this content is simply because I don’t want it to be ALL I am drawing, as I cannot show these illustrations in my portfolio for other jobs, or on my public website. In some of circumstances, I will request I NOT be linked back to your uploads, depending on content.
NSFW 18+ Adult Content commissions - whatever you want to call them; still abide by all my base rules, including my TOS. I am a safe space for the work you wish to commission and hereby consider it a private transaction between us. Just because I draw these fetishes, does NOT mean I am “into” them and want to discuss any in length. This is a business transaction; if I feel uncomfortable with you, or any subject matter you are requesting, I have the right to decline your commission, or any work with you in the future. Remain business appropriate, please.
Anything listed below I have drawn before and do consider it NSFW.
Micro/Macro (nudity/adult situations)
Maw/Paw Play
Anthro x Feral
Diaper (NO soiled/dirty)
Adult Comics (consisting of above themes)
Your Character x © Character or famous person
“Toony” Crush Micro/Macro (no death/blood/distress)
Child Characters Aged UP
Are you looking for something to have drawn that is not on this list, and you do not see it on my will not draw list? Feel free to contact me to discuss your idea and if I will or will not draw it. Theres alot out there and I may not have encountered what you are seeking.
Contact me to ask any questions or discuss your ideas.